2019年在公司看片的时候,还没有Floyd事件和之后的BLM运动全国大爆发,当然更没有今天的唐山惨剧。我为我彼时莫名其妙的三星评价感到羞愧。"When it gets too much for you, you take some deep breaths, and let your mind go." "Hopelessness is the enemy of justice. Hope allows us to push forward, even when the truth is distorted by the people in power." 但与此同时,现实中的我们每一天都在更加怀疑世上是否还真有绝对的“正义”二字,因为似乎我们心中的正义永远是另外一些人的邪意,反之亦然。这是人类本身的原罪,贪婪欲望、自私自利、互相伤害,哪里都一样。正因如此,那一束光一样存在的人才那么弥足珍贵,不只因为勇敢、抗争,更因为他带来了即使昙花一现依旧充满意义的——希望。但要知道,天使,不是经常能够降临的。
A relatively civil depiction of the systemic racism when people in power are not in any danger of repercussion. It unveils the threat it presents to the justice system, and the only way to change it is through persistent participation in this uphill battle, and tolerance to welcome those with open-mindedness to change.